Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February 28, 2011

Hey Guys Sounds like things are going well for you!
Well today we went to get groceries and we found out that our Blue Cards didnt have money on them yet. so i jsut spent 50 dollars on groceries with my debit Card... sorry. i really do hate using my card because that money could be going some where else, so i dont know... to help me could you not put any more money on my card , because its like i always have a back up so if i use all my money on my Blue Card then i'm like "well thats ok i still have my personal car" and i dont want to say that. i have been really tempted to send my Debit Card home just because i feel like i dont have self control with it. And if there is no money on my Debit card then it will force me to manage my money better. Does this sound ok? i just dont want to be a financial burden for you guys... everytime i use my card i always feel guilty and i dont want that so i figured this is the best way for me... let me know what you guys think.
So for my week... well it was pretty good for the most part. We found 2 new investigators and set them with a Baptismal Date of March 20th... they are Hindu. Lately we have been running into aloft of Hindu people and they seem really interested in Learning more about the Gospel... and ya know what? thats alright with us!
But yeah these two people we found seem very interested and they are very sincere about meeting with us and coming to chruch... we are very excited about them and their desire to follow Christ!
We have run into alot of People that are interested in our religion, but they just wont make any appointments with us... This is very very Frustrating, because if only they knew what this Message could do for them i know they would be more receptive. Everyone has their Agency though and we definitely cant take that away from them, and so that gets in the way of things. I am still trying to find my place in this area... i know that i am here for a reason, but i feel like i havent found it yet. I keep praying for it everyday.
My Companion and i struggle a little bit... i am a very talkative kind of person and he doesnt really like talking. We notice that there is contention between us and its because of communication issues. Contention drives the spirit away so fast and i am trying my best to be more humble and do things his way and not talk and be boring but its so hard... i dont know what to do.He told me that he doesnt respect me... but then when i asked him why he couldnt give me and answer... it is going to be a hard next couple of weeks... Transfers come up in 2 weeks I cant wait!
Oh i forgot to tell you... it snowed here in california this past week again! it has been freezing here!
Its been hard these past weeks... Satan has really been working on me for some reason... he wants me to just give up. every time some one slams the door or chews us out about something... i get thoughts of " i am not good enough... jsut give up and go home.. this isnt worth it" i am not going to lie it has been a struggle lately and it is wearing down on me. he really is trying to get a wedge into me and i am doing all i can to keep him out. I pray everyday to be strengthened and to help me get through another week because i cant do it alone... it just doesnt work. The one thing that definitely keeps me going though is sharing the Message of the Atonement with members... it makes me forget about everything and jsut think about the Savior and what he went through...He was tempted but never gave in... i am tempted but because of the Savior and thinking about him it makes me stronger and i dont give in, because if Jesus would have given in to any temptation he wouldnt be perfect and their wouldnt be a way for us to get back to our Heavenly Father, But the Atonement is real and it makes me want to give my all for the Savior who gave his all for us... he knows what i am going through and he wants me to lean on his arm for help and honestly He gets me through every day. i am Happy though... how could i not be happy doing this Marvelous Work? My Joy has been great being able to bring souls unto Christ and that makes every hard day worth it... i really would give anything to see the happiness this Gospel brings to them... and it brings happiness to me and thats why i never give up. I dont even think about home the same way anymore... some of the things back home dont even matter to me anymore. Honestly this is going to sound weird but you could sale my Golf clubs and my Longboard... i am no longer attached to them... they didnt bring the same happiness that this brings me its weird i know but it is so true i Love doing this Work even though it is hard... " i never said it would be easy... i only said it would be worth it" So true.
Brash i will send you your prize... i cant right now because they changed the rules on where we can take our cars on P-days so i have to wait till we can get a member to take us to China town.
sorry this isnt very much but i have to be going... i am going to have a good week... and i hope you do too. i pray for you all everyday and i love you very much!
Stay safe and Be strong!
I love and Miss you very much
Love Elder Emery

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